Download our APP which will give you access to our complete catalog



Once you have downloaded the APP, enter and click the UPDATE button to download the entire catalog (this will take a few minutes)


Once the update is complete (both the CATALOG and IMAGES items must be 100%), the catalog will be entirely visible. In order to view prices and to place orders, you will need to request your USERNAME and PASSWORD. You can request it directly by clicking the buttons in the APP below (whatsapp, email or by phone)


Once you have received your USERNAME and PASSWORD, go to the LOGIN button, enter the data, confirm, and then go to the UPDATE button to update the confidential data such as prices and customer data (this time it will be a very fast operation)


You can now go to the catalog and place your order. Once completed, click on BACK TO ORDER, check the data and confirm (top right). Save it as COMPLETED (yellow dot), and the order will automatically be sent to the company.

You can also install the APP on your mobile phone, and simultaneously on Tablet or other mobile phones, always with the same code


For any information you can contact customer support: